TILA RESPA Integrated Disclosure

As it Relates to Document Distribution and Delivery Notification

Last update August, 2018


Common Acronyms: 

TILA – Truth in Lending Act

RESPA – Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act

TRID – TILA RESPA Integrated Disclosure

Why does this affect you?

The TRID rule itself is primarily concerned with the creation and delivery of two new documents: the Loan Estimate, which replaced the initial Truth in Lending and the Good Faith Estimate forms, and the Closing Disclosure, which replaced the closing Truth in Lending and HUD-1 forms.


What does TRID require?

Timing becomes a critical component and a challenge.

  • The Loan Estimate is required to be delivered to the customer within three business days of the application’s completion.
  • The Closing Disclosure is required to be provided to the customer three business days prior to consummation of the loan.
  • Finalized Closing Disclosure (TILA), must be sent within 45 days on closing (RESPA)
  • Goodbye Letter (only if mortgage loan is sold to another bank) within 15 days prior to transfer


Questions to be asked

  • How are your vendors handling these changes?
  • How will this affect the way you work with your settlement agents?
  • Do you have a way to receive and distribute documents to ensure the privacy of personal non-public information?
  • Do you have a way to confirm delivery of documents sent to the borrower to ensure good standing of the time requirements?


SecureDock TED Express

  • Never compromise convenience for compliance
  • SecureDock TED Express can ensure ease of use with full compliance for document security and delivery requirements
  • Secure-Dock.com


To view the complete legislation/requirements, and/or to get further information, please see:



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